the previous evening I'd realised I needed help with removing all the furniture from the kitchen, including the 5-ton (not) oven. so I called Peti who is the electrican of my boyfriend's family and is also a DJ. Peti is very young, very calm, and very strong. I was lucky: he was in the neighbourhood and arrived in less than an hour. so in the end he and my boyfriend stripped the kitchen of all furniture and stuff. and Peti told me to buy a new, electric water heater and so I did.
then, on Day 2, Veron arrived and we painted the walls and the ceiling. then we started to paint the furniture blue. as you all know, before painting wooden furniture, like our cupboards, one has to clean the surfaces very thoroughly with sandpaper. (and now I have a nice, fat muscle fever). this was when we realised the sandpaper we'd bought didn't work so we had to buy new ones. the next phase, painting the weird tiles, was fun but I guess it also had to do with the mind-altering substances found in the adhesive primer. we took a few breaks eating pineapple ice-cream and talking about Veron's students. one thesis Veron had to mark was about a Polish novel where a squirrel is shot in the beginning. the whole book was 'very depressing', she said but then we went on painting and got merrier.
and here are the new pictures.
and yes, the adhesive primer for the tiles was 11995 HUF
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